High numbers of people in America do shiftwork – 20% of those who are employed. One definition of shiftwork is starting work after 6pm, and before 6am. “Swing shift” which often starts around 3-4pm is also included in some definitions of shiftwork. Whichever definition you use, it is clear that the health of people who do shiftwork suffers.

Shiftworkers experience symptoms such as stomach upset, moodiness, high blood pressure and elevated stress hormones. In the long term these employees also have higher rates of breast and colon cancer in women, and prostate cancer in men.   These problems are thought to be due to the fact that shiftworkers are awake and engaged during a time that our body clock and circadian rhythm are programmed to be asleep.

Although these symptoms and conditions are concerning, it’s clear that some industries must work around the clock. Especially industries such as public safety, healthcare, and transportation. Fortunately there are ways in which the negative effects of shiftwork can be minimized. Check back on Friday for info on how to lessen these effects.

At The Institute of Naturopathic Sleep Medicine, Dr. Darley provides care for people of all ages who have sleep problems. More at https://naturalsleepmedicine.net/


Learn More About Shiftwork and Your Health