Sleep and Trauma

In my office, it is not unusual to learn that a person’s sleep difficulties started with a trauma or bad experience.  For many people, the trauma they experienced was years (or decades) ago, and still affects their sleep.   These sleep difficulties can take the...

Sleep in the Elderly

You may hear people tell how their sleep has worsened as they age. They describe lower quality night time sleep, and more need to nap during the day. Recently I had the privilege of working with a person age 101 on sleep health. This was a good experience, which...

Sleep in America, 2010

Each year, the National Sleep Foundation comes out with its Sleep in America Poll.  This year 1007 people (ages 25-60) from across the country were asked about their ethnicity and sleep habits, let’s look at the results. Sleep Habits Differ by Ethnicity This study...