by drcatherinedarley | Mar 30, 2011 | behavioral treatment, Children's sleep, circadian rhythm, Events, health education, naturopathic medicine, parenting, performance, school success, sleep, sleep deprivation
It’s been fun the last week to talk with several folks in the media, both here in Seattle and on the web. Here’s the links: Interview about sleep & social skills with Linda Thomas of KIRO news radio will air Weds, 5-8am, 97.3 fm...
by drcatherinedarley | Feb 9, 2011 | Children's sleep, mood, parenting, sleep, Uncategorized
So, we’ve known for a long time that there’s a connection between sleep disturbance and mental health, particularly depression. There’s been some research published this year looking at the connection between teens’ bedtime and mental health....
by drcatherinedarley | May 26, 2010 | behavioral treatment, Children's sleep, parenting, Seattle
A consistent bedtime routine is a powerful tool to help infants consolidate their sleep into longer periods at night. And when baby sleeps, parents can too! Researchers had parents implement a 3-step bedtime routine. The steps were a bath, a massage, and a quiet...
by drcatherinedarley | May 24, 2010 | Children's sleep, Events, parenting, Seattle, sleep
There’s lots of discussion of what is the best way to help babies learn to sleep through the night. Use the ‘cry it out’ method, or use the ‘no cry’ method? Sleep researchers have compared these methods, and here’s what they...
by drcatherinedarley | May 8, 2010 | parenting, sleep, sleep deprivation, Uncategorized, Women's sleep
Unfortunately, being a sleep expert doesn’t make one immune to sleep difficulties. Having been a life-long good sleeper, all my sleep difficulties began with motherhood. Many mothers in my naturopathic sleep medicine practice tell me that they stay up late so...
by drcatherinedarley | Mar 1, 2010 | Children's sleep, health education, parenting, sleep
Last month we discussed infant sleep health, today I’d like to follow-up with discussion of family sleep health. Whenever I’m working with a family to help them improve their child’s sleep, I also think about the parents sleep too. So many parents come in saying they...