by drcatherinedarley | Nov 16, 2009 | behavioral treatment, insomnia, sleep, winter holidays
The winter holidays can be filled with fun activities, celebrations with friends and family, and snow sports. But holidays can also be stressful as we both maintain our regular responsibilities and prepare for the additional activities. This year many people are...
by drcatherinedarley | Oct 28, 2009 | cluster headaches, fall asleep, Fibromyalgia, insomnia, sleep, Sleep breathing disorders, sleep deprivation
How Chronic Pain and Sleep Interact Do you know someone who suffers from chronic pain? It may be back pain, headaches, pelvic pain, fibromyalgia . . . many types of pain sufferers also experience sleep disruption. Unfortunately, people can get into a cycle in which...
by drcatherinedarley | Oct 14, 2009 | cancer, sleep, sleep deprivation
There are many ways that healthy sleep supports a healthy immune system. And remember, our immune system is constantly working to rid our bodies of foreign bacteria and abnormal cells. These abnormal cells can become cancerous, so it is important that our immune...
by drcatherinedarley | Oct 8, 2009 | fall asleep, insomnia, sleep
Many people in my sleep clinic report lying in bed unable to sleep, having insomnia. This happens either at the beginning or middle of the night. For people who are thinking a lot, the Gratitude Meditation from last week can be helpful. Another technique to help you...
by drcatherinedarley | Oct 6, 2009 | fall asleep, meditation, sleep
On Thursday after my presentation a woman shared with me her lovely gratitude practice that she uses to go to sleep. I wanted to share it with you. Each night after getting into bed she does this meditation until she is asleep. One by one, she slowly thinks of each...