by drcatherinedarley | Jun 8, 2010 | behavioral treatment, fatigue, optimal sleep, sleep, sleep deprivation, Uncategorized
In June 2009, Drs. Basner and Dinges published an article titled “Dubious Bargain: Trading Sleep for Leno and Letterman.” Is this something you can relate to- staying up late to watch your favorite show even when you know you’re tired? The relationship between...
by drcatherinedarley | May 24, 2010 | Children's sleep, Events, parenting, Seattle, sleep
There’s lots of discussion of what is the best way to help babies learn to sleep through the night. Use the ‘cry it out’ method, or use the ‘no cry’ method? Sleep researchers have compared these methods, and here’s what they...
by drcatherinedarley | May 22, 2010 | sleep
Using standard sleep terms can help clarify what is really going on with your sleep. Here are some terms that we use in the field, and which are sometimes confusing to people or misunderstood. Having clarity will help diagnose any sleep problems you’re...
by drcatherinedarley | May 20, 2010 | cortisol, insomnia, naturopathic medicine, sleep
In my office, it is not unusual to learn that a person’s sleep difficulties started with a trauma or bad experience. For many people, the trauma they experienced was years (or decades) ago, and still affects their sleep. These sleep difficulties can take the...
by drcatherinedarley | May 8, 2010 | parenting, sleep, sleep deprivation, Uncategorized, Women's sleep
Unfortunately, being a sleep expert doesn’t make one immune to sleep difficulties. Having been a life-long good sleeper, all my sleep difficulties began with motherhood. Many mothers in my naturopathic sleep medicine practice tell me that they stay up late so...
by drcatherinedarley | May 5, 2010 | naps, sleep, Women's sleep
You may hear people tell how their sleep has worsened as they age. They describe lower quality night time sleep, and more need to nap during the day. Recently I had the privilege of working with a person age 101 on sleep health. This was a good experience, which...